Aura Drawings

I have the gift of sight and with that I am able to see auras. The first thing everyone asks me when they learn of this gift is "What does mine look like?" So I've decided to SHOW instead of TELL to answer that question. Aura Drawings can be done in person in Idaho Falls, ID or over the phone literally anywhere else, even internationally. They take about 30 minutes and I explain everything as we go; what the colors mean, where they are in your body, and any significance they carry specifically for you. It's all very individual and very healing and empowering. They make a great gift as well. 

Shipping is available. 

Click "schedule time with me" at your right to book an appointment today! 

what is an aura?

In the most basic sense, an aura is an egg-shaped electromagnetic energy field surrounding one’s body. Those who are gifted with the ability to see auras often see colors associated with them, and these colors can be an indication of what is happening in the person’s life; positive and negative, physical and spiritual.

Like all energy, when the aura isn’t healthy, it can often affect things like the physical body and emotional wellness of a person.