Crystal Therapy

Crystal healing is a holistic, non-invasive, vibrational energy-based system of healing. That is, it treats the whole person and their integrated energy system. Created over the millennia, healing crystals harness the life giving elements of the Earth and the Universe. It is an ancient metaphysical art that can help bring balance and prosperity to your life through vibration and intention.

Crystal Healing Therapy involves placing gemstones on the clothed body to draw out negative energy, induce deep relaxation, relieve stress and pain, and bring peace to the mind, body, and soul. 

Your energy knows what it needs and what is calling to it and Jaidyn takes great care to listen intently to provide you with exactly what your energy is asking for. This may include creating a custom grid around or on you during your healing experience, holding the crystals, or positioning them on the body. Crystals are also available for purchase.